Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunity Commissioner
Prof. Dr. Annette Hornbacher
PD Dr. Christina Roth (Stellvertreterin)

Contact information

The equal opportunity commissioner of the faculty represents the chair of the equal opportunity office in the faculty council and in all appointment procedures. She is the contact person for women on all levels of academic career in all equality issues.

Gender Action Plan
With regard to all equality issues, the Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies feels committed to the gender action plan of Heidelberg University as well as to the equality directives of the DFG (German Research Foundation) and the German Science Council (see links below).

Equality Situation
The Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies consists of five institutes: Institute of Educational Science - Institute of Anthropology and Southasia-Institute, Department of Anthropology - Institute of Gerontology, Institute of Psychology - Institute of Sport and Sport Sciences.

While the majority of students is female, on the level of non-professorial academic staff the distribution of sexes is balanced. This balance, however, has not yet been achieved on the professorship level. Nevertheless, the situation has improved considerably during the last ten years. In the year 2000 only one professorship from a total of 21 was held by a woman, while in 2018 nine professorships are appointed by women.

Useful Links

Responsible: e-mail
Latest Revision: 27.02.2019