Dean's Office


Dean's Office of the Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies
Voßstr. 2, Building 4370, 1st. Floor
69115 Heidelberg


  • Map (Building of the Prinzhorn-Sammlung and the Cafeteria)
  • Letterbox (located outside the building):
    In this letterbox documents can be thrown in. Please use an envelope and an addressing.
    Please note: Dissertations or Habilitation Thesis can NOT be thrown in the letterbox. The requirements for submitting the dissertation or Habilitation exam must be observed.
  • Consulting hour:
    Bitte beachten Sie
    die Hinweise zu den Sprechstunden bei den Ansprechpartner/innen.

Fakultätsvorstand/Faculty Board
Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger

Phone +49 / 6221 / 54-2894

Vice Dean
Prof. Dr. Andreas Voß

Phone +49 / 6221 / 54-2894

Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Dörthe Herbrechter
Phone +49 / 6221 / 54-2895

Faculty Manager

Annika Flämig
Phone +49 / 6221 / 54-2894

Consulting hour:
Please address your request to me only by e-mail.
Telephone appointments / Video consultation: please make an appointment by e-mail

Quality Management Commissioner

Dr. Sophie van der Beek (in Elternzeit)
Phone +49 / 6221 / 54-2895

Consulting hour:
by appointment
Please address your request to me only by e-mail.
Depending on the situation, a telephone appointment may be arranged.

Dr. Heribert Beckmann and Carla Goldschmidt (Elternzeitvertretung)
Phone +49 / 6221 / 54-2895

Consulting hour:
by appointment
Please address your request to us by e-mail or phone.

Equal Opportunity Commissioner of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Annette Hornbacher
Phone +49 / 6221 / 54-15102

PD Dr. Christina Roth
Phone +49 / 6221 / 54-4632

Responsible: e-mail
Latest Revision: 13.11.2024